Regardless of age, most of us would like to look in the mirror and appreciate a healthy, glowing complexion and soft skin. The fact is everything from the texture to the tightness of our skin changes as we grow older. In recent years, we have been fortunate enough to witness the development of numerous non-surgical modalities to slow the signs of aging, and even reverse them. Our staff continues to be impressed with innovative new devices, like the Morpheus 8 by InMode. We are pleased to share new technologies with you, to help you address your cosmetic concerns.
Add-on (analgesic service)
Watch a Morpheus 8 Treatment Performed On A Client
Radiofrequency is a type of energy that has been scientifically proven to provoke collagen remodeling. Microneedling is a technique of creating tiny puncture wounds in the superficial dermis to stimulate an increase in the production of collagen, elastin, and new skin cells. This energy is safe and effective for cosmetic improvements that include scar reduction and skin tightening. The Morpheus 8 combines the two, delivering the thermal energy of radiofrequency waves to deeper layers of tissue via the adjustable microneedles. Ultimately, micro-needling with radiofrequency affects both the epidermis and the dermis for maximum results.
The Morpheus8 is FDA approved as a Subdermal Adipose Remodeling Device, or SARD. This demonstrates a crucial difference between this device and standard microneedling. During a Morpheus 8 treatment, the provider can adjust the ultra-sharp micro-needles to a depth of up to 4 millimeters, deeper than any other micro-needling device to date. Generally, you feel less pain from the deeper penetration of the micro needles than you do for more superficial insertion of the micro needles with other RF Microneedling machines.
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